AI Trends Newsletter

AI World Government - 2019

AI World Government 2019 June 24-26, 2019 | Washington DC Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
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AI World Government Conference & Expo provides a forum to educate and inform public sector agencies (federal, state, and local governments) and their supply chain on the strategic and tactical benefits of deploying AI and cognitive technologies.

With technology at the forefront of our everyday lives, data-driven government services are now possible from federal, state, and local agencies. This has led to the rapid rise in availability and use of intelligent automation solutions. AI World Government gathers business and technology leaders from across government, technology innovation, business process and research for in-depth analysis and successful case studies on leveraging advanced intelligent technologies to enhance government services. Special focus is given to the challenges, solutions, and opportunities that lie in the agency mission, and in the deployment and use of intelligent automation.

Government and public sector agencies face a myriad of challenges and opportunities somewhat different than commercial enterprises:

  • As trustees for citizens, their IT systems often need to meet specific regulatory and legislation requirements.
  • The applications need to serve the needs of citizens which often provide critical services, such as defense, emergency services, or social security.
  • There are budgeting constraints that make it difficult to hire and train data scientists.
  • The procurement of software, hardware and services can sometimes take years.
  • The availability of high-quality data may be limited due to legacy database systems derived from non-digital processes.
  • Cybersecurity risks are elevated by the nature of civil defense.
  • Unlike commercial enterprises, the systems themselves are often required by law to be explainable, free from bias, and transparent.
  • Finally, the rapid acceleration of capabilities of AI technology itself has caused there to be a global call for AI governance and ethics.

AI World Government offers an in-depth conference and expo to address each of these critical issues and help agencies learn the state of the practice in AI government deployment. Our 3 day program provides a clear blueprint for where and how they can reduce their risk, accelerate the successful deployment of a broad range of AI technologies, and meet with major AI software, hardware and service providers.